Do you:
Experience explosive anger?
Turn down or ignore compliments?
Keep replaying past events?
Struggle with addictive behaviours or patterns?​
Are you:
Thinking or feeling you're not good enough?
Struggling to succeed or feeling like a failure?
Worried you'll be alone?
Worried you'll be buried by your past forever?
Have you:
Experienced traumatic events as an adult or a child?
Tried traditional therapy?
Been unable to change repeating patterns in your work or personal life?
Inner Child
Every pivotal moment in our lives causes us to behave in a certain kind of way to get our needs met, and as children we simply want and need to feel 3 things;
But something happens along the way. There's Mum or Dad, or any primary caregiver and to us they are perfection. The divine masculine and the divine feminine, personified.
And when we're with them, we feel those 3 things. The problem is, no one is perfect, and no one can ever live up to that expectation, so at some point, they will fall from grace; and knowingly or unknowingly they always do.
And inside our own subconscious, there's a little version of you being rocked to the core by the sudden insecurities that you're experiencing due to whatever was said or done or not done in some cases. Maybe you were 5, or 7 or 12, whatever age, and Mum or Dad said something or did something and whatever it was, large or small, all of a sudden you no longer feel Safe, Certain or Loved.
Your world changes, your psyche starts to fold in on itself...and we start to build unhelpful habits.
Through this work, we renavigate the past and unlock ways of being that are supportive, encouraging and that create a more fulfilling life.
Having undergone many years of therapy, including plant medicine ceremonies, I thought that I had carried out some extensive healing already. After one session with Nathan, I realised I had undiscovered depths, Nathan is over and above an exceptional therapist.
Thank you again. from the bottom of my heart 🥰
LH - Midwife, Birth doula

RCT can help with...
Trouble Sleeping... Insomnia, and Sleepwalking. Hypnosis may be a helpful tool if you sleepwalk or struggle with falling and staying asleep. ...
Anxiety... installing breathing and calming techniques
Auto-Immune Disorders... Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's, Colitis...
Eating Habits and Disorders... Addictive Eating, overeating and also helping with...
Weight loss...
Chronic Pain... helping it become manageable, and understanding why and where it's coming from...
Quitting Smoking... smoking cessation...
Any unwanted habits...
But, as I said, all of these things start somewhere, a moment in time when a habit was created...
...when we go back there and heal that then everything starts to change. What else can it help with...
Overcoming Fears and Phobia's... From everything from spiders to flying to public speaking (being a speaker I know how this feels)
Confidence... one of the biggest fears we have is the Fear of Not Good Enough...RCT helps you rewrite that script. To feel your fear, to appreciate it, and then evolve it.
Self-Esteem... Helping you to see yourself in a new way; a more loving and caring way...
Leadership Development... Bringing 24 years of leadership experience and 10 years in leadership development, using RCT to tap into and draw up these talents from within is amazing...
Parenting Development... Parenting is the greatest leadership journey you will ever go on, combining leadership psychology, conscious parenting wisdom with RCT helps you to grow as a parent, from the inside out...
Sports Performance...
Artistic Performance...
It would be a great privilege to help you in any way that I can. I am totally dedicated to helping people get results as fast as possible whilst also teaching them what I've learned in my journey combining Leadership psychology, personal development tools, and where possible the FreeMind system for happiness and success.
Please get in touch so that we can arrange a free 30-minute Chemistry session, to see
if FreeMind Hypnotherapy is right for you.